Lillian H. Williams was born November 12, 1952, to the lateLillian H. Williams was born November 12, 1952, to the late Howard and Alberta Harris. At an early age, Lillian confessedHoward and Alberta Harris. At an early age, Lillian confessed Christ. She was a faithful member of 6th Avenue Beulah BaptistChrist. She was a faithful member of 6th Avenue Beulah Baptist Church.Church.
Lillian attended J.S. Abrams High School where she graduatedLillian attended J.S. Abrams High School where she graduated with the Class of 1971. She worked at UAB Hospital untilwith the Class of 1971. She worked at UAB Hospital until retirement in 2016. She met and married Johnny Lee Williams onretirement in 2016. She met and married Johnny Lee Williams on August 26, 1972.August 26, 1972.
She was preceded in death by her father, mother She was preceded in death by her father, mother and greatand great grandmother, Serenity Williams.grandmother, Serenity Williams.
Her beautiful memories will Her beautiful memories will be cherished be cherished by: husband, Johnnyby: husband, Johnny L.L. Williams; son, Darryl, Sr. (Nakia) Williams; daughter, TarshitaWilliams; son, Darryl, Sr. (Nakia) Williams; daughter, Tarshita (Gene) Minter; six grandchildren, D’Andre Williams, Quintarius(Gene) Minter; six grandchildren, D’Andre Williams, Quintarius Williams, Darryl Williams, Jr., Mai’Trell Williams, Timothy Mayes,Williams, Darryl Williams, Jr., Mai’Trell Williams, Timothy Mayes, Jr. and MicKinley Davis; sisters, Ilean (Darrell) Pittman, AnnieJr. and MicKinley Davis; sisters, Ilean (Darrell) Pittman, Annie (Persia) Thomas, Sr. and Janet Boyce; brothers, Howard Harris,(Persia) Thomas, Sr. and Janet Boyce; brothers, Howard Harris, Jr., Melvin Harris and Marvin Harris and a host of sisters-in-law,Jr., Melvin Harris and Marvin Harris and a host of sisters-in-law, brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, cousins and friends.